Sunday, August 23, 2009

Father and Son

Shoulder Baby/Passed out Baby

Maya Wrap for a blouse--tres chic
Back when the Carseat wasn't Hans' enemy
Happiest Bean-baby on the Block

Mom and Dad visit

Coming Home with Hans

Early Days with Hans

Hans in Mittens.
The Happy family at the hospital.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Pictures from Hans' Birth

We Labored at home in hopes of a homebirth. Contractions started getting somewhat regular (between 2-20 minutes apart) early Saturday (May 9th) morning. The Midwife Cheryl Gates and her assistant Melanie Brindle came to our house to help us birth. By Monday morning May, 11th we were very tired, Dr. Plumb came twice to offer some hypnosis to help me rest. Dr. Belt also came and performed acupuncture to move things along. However, after almost 3 days without sleep I was worn out and we transferred to the hospital. At the hospital, I was able to get pain relief which allowed me to rest before the big event.
Hans Thomas was born at 10:17 PM on May 11, 2009. He was 7lbs 13oz and had red hair!